Tuesday 16 May 2017

Final Piece 

To create the effect I had to use soft lighting using the umbrellas in a studio and a white background to create further contrast with the facial features and draw the attention to the figure. I found it was more interesting and eye catching to create levels physically with the different shots so mounted different photos to create a range of heights to give the idea of a real face and it's proportions. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Final face Experiments 

Overall I like this composition and found it works more effectively then my first attempt as I made sure I kept the camera settings all the same which made sure I had the same exposure and tone in the photos. I also like the stern demeanour and the cold look in his face which adds drama and a dramatic feel.   

I tried a different model and layout here which worked fairly well but think its a bit too crowd as looks less like a face shape, but I do like the direct direction and angles the eyes are taken at. 

Contact Sheets

Tuesday 6 December 2016

This is the image I started with and decided to use mixed media and hand-embroider on top a chaotic web of stitches.  

This worked well because the colours are eye catching and contrasting and way the stitch is almost alive and concealing her face. This gives the chaos effect and the order is the photos beneath. I also like how the focal point is the bright hazel eye which is surrounded by a vivid red.  

I also like how this one conceals the face in sections and the layered threads give depth to the photo, I like how the face seems trapped and encases in the weaves of embroidery. 

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Monday 14 November 2016

Pin-hole Camera 

Overall this worked fairly well as you can see the lake and outline of trees in the landscape then different tones of colours from the reflection of the sky in the water and trees. Some sections have not exposed as well as other which may mean o didn't expose it for long enough. 


Screen Shots 

Monday 17 October 2016

Slit-Scan Photography 

This technique is a photographic and cinematographic process where a moveable slide, this has been cut making a slit, it is then inserted between the camera and the subject to be photographed. 

 Final Image

I created this effect using a photography app called twist where I experimented with different scenes and modes to give the distorted, wave like shapes that links with chais as it looks as if everything is being pulled into the centre and the photo has come alive. It also mirrors whats happening in the water with the droplet ripple effect as i used the mode where the slit moved from the centre out. 

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Emulation 4

When i was researching chaos and order photography I came across the artist Gerhard Richter, this artist takes pictures of commercially processed images such as images whilst on holiday, in his studio, or walk in the park which are all either duplicates or ‘album rejects’.  He then uses oil based paint made up of various colours and smears the paint across the photo using a plastic blade. I linked ths with my theme of choas and order as it shows a expressive tecnique and the mixing of two medias to create all unique pieces of splattered smears of paint. 


My Image- 

My Image- 


My Image- 

Contact Sheets 

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Emulation 3 
   This photo is by Kirsty Michelle will be my final emulation which
reflects my chaos theme with the overgrown forest and the intertwining branches, the figure in the distance also shows order with the well-dressed figure which gives a more serious and sole feel.

Final image 

Overall the composition of the photograph isn't quite the same as the original but the way the trees and the environment almost swallow up the figure gives the same effect as the original and the contrasting black and white gives a sinister feel also.

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