Wednesday 21 September 2016

Emulation 1 

For my first emulation I've decided to look at Brno Del Zou with her  photo sculptures, I love this collection he's made because each one joins together really effectively the way he positioned each different angle. I think it works well with my theme also because the layered images gives a distorted chaotic theme then on the other each individual photo is ordered. I will use the same technique and set out each photo in a similar way he has in the photo I choose. 

Final Piece

Overtall I like the whole composition and the way I laid it out as similarly as I could, I used photoshop to create the layered effect which was easier to get the right scale of each photo. I then made it monochrome to emulate the phtographers effect and found some exposed more then others as some photos faced the light then some against. 

Here i tried to play with the darkness and it changed the background colour also which wasn't quite right. 

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