Tuesday 12 April 2016


 I took this Overall i thought this worked successfully, and the main features i like is the deep, blue clear sky against the outline of the roof points which add levels and height to the photo.
This one wasn't as effective as the left side is slightly blurred and there is too much woodland in the picture and the view into the distance isn't very clear. There also wasn't much contrast in colours so its nit as eye catching. 

This was taken on top of Grinshill and overall i think it looks effective  as the vibrant green stands out against the cloudy sky, there is also lots of texture with the rocks which create differnt levels. The depth is also fair which draws the eye again as there is a large depth of veiw that is in focus.

Small Planets

I developed these panoramas further by making them into small panets on photoshop which I think looks very effective, I like the first which the constrating clouds and the vibrand land tha stands out, I also like the second as the detail in the builidng stand out and the different hights created catched the eye. 


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